Inheritance Tax Valuation, Helston


Vickery Holman were instructed to undertake a valuation for Capital Gains Tax purposes on an industrial unit in Helston, Cornwall.


The instruction provided for a specific valuation date of 01 December 1988, whereby the property had finished being constructed. We firstly confirmed with the client the parameters and detail of the property as at the valuation date including specification, accommodation provision, fit out, size, service connectivity and planning consents. As the valuation date is in the past, it is vital these factors are confirmed in writing in order to ensure the valuation reflects the subject property with the specific valuation date.


In summary, RICS Red Book valuations provide a robust framework for Capital Gains Tax calculations, assisting in the process of financial planning. Whether you’re selling, gifting, or inheriting property, seeking professional advice from a RICS Registered Valuer ensures compliance and the provision of an accurate and reliable valuation.

In the instance where a capital gains tax valuation is required, one of our RICS Registered Valuers would be delighted to help.


The instruction provided for a specific valuation date of 01 December 1988, whereby the property had finished being constructed. We firstly confirmed with the client the parameters and detail of the property as at the valuation date including specification, accommodation provision, fit out, size, service connectivity and planning consents. As the valuation date is in the past, it is vital these factors are confirmed in writing in order to ensure the valuation reflects the subject property with the specific valuation date.

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