Are you paying too much in Business Rates?

Our business rates consultancy team works with landlords and tenants to see if we can help you reduce your business costs.

Business Rates experts for the South West

We understand that business rates are a major outgoing for many occupiers of commercial property – and Vickery Holman has been working with businesses for over 30 years to help you manage and reduce your business rates.

Understanding business rates is complex – but we’re here to help. Our specialist team of Chartered Surveyors advise on properties including offices, industrial premises, shops, pubs, hotels, self-catering holiday homes and holiday parks and we have the expertise to guide you through all the reliefs and opportunities available to you to minimise your business rates liability. We’ve helped many organisations check their Rateable Value and appeal against incorrect RVs. Until March 31st 2023, we can appeal all the way back to 2017 so it’s worth talking to us sooner rather than later. 

How can Vickery Holman help you with Business Rates?

  • Checking and Challenging your business rates valuation
  • Representing you throughout the appeal process, including representation at Valuation Tribunal
  • Advising on mitigating your liability during programmes of redevelopment or refurbishment
  • Splitting or merging of assessments to minimise rates liability
  • Minimising your liability on vacant or partially vacant properties
  • Checking for historic billing errors and identifying overpayments

Vickery Holman works with a wide range of businesses, including:

  • Holiday parks
  • Hotels
  • Public houses
  • Self-catering
  • holiday units
  • Offices
  • Retail
  • Industrial units
  • Car showrooms
  • and Golf courses

We are the experts on Business Rates. For a no fee initial conversation about your rates please contact us.

Check. Challenge. Appeal.

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Business Rates Case Studies