Sports Ground, Devon


We recently saved our Client, the occupier of a sports ground in Devon, £50,000 in business rates. Our client asked us to undertake a speculative review of the rateable value of the property.


Our analysis of the valuation revealed the Valuation Office Agency had included inaccurate capacity figures and average gate numbers and had adopted an excessive fair maintainable turnover figure.


We submitted a detailed check with supporting evidence to the Valuation Office Agency to request the facts of the valuation were updated, and we negotiated on the Client’s behalf.


The outcome was the amendment of the valuation and therefore the reduction of the rateable value for the entirety of the 2017 Rating List, resulting in significant backdated savings for our Client totalling approximately £50,000. The errors should also be rectified in the 2023 Rating List which will result in further savings into the future.

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