Tresco Estate

Case Study - Tresco


Acting on behalf of the Tresco Estate, Vickery Holman successfully negotiated business rates reductions across a range of their Tresco Island properties, due to the impact of the loss of the helicopter service direct to the island back in 2012.



Nicola Murrish, Associate & rating surveyor in the Truro office, commented “We knew the helicopter service was important to the island and we knew it had a significant impact on the island and the way they operated. The impact on the different property types varied and we had to put a robust case to the Valuation Office Agency under the grounds of ‘a material change in circumstances’ demonstrating the impact and how and why it affected the Rateable Value of premises question.”


As a result of the successful appeals, Vickery Holman secured a rebate to our clients of over £130,000. Gill Reading, Finance Manager for the estate commented on settlement of the appeals that “we are really pleased with the outcome and appreciate all the work you have put into this.”


Nicola Murrish, Associate & rating surveyor in the Truro office, commented “We knew the helicopter service was important to the island and we knew it had a significant impact on the island and the way they operated. The impact on the different property types varied and we had to put a robust case to the Valuation Office Agency under the grounds of ‘a material change in circumstances’ demonstrating the impact and how and why it affected the Rateable Value of premises question.”

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