What is PPM?

what is PPM

What is PPM? It stands for Planned Preventative Maintenance and is a management strategy that assists freeholders, landlords, tenants and property managers to establish the condition of an asset by identifying potential works required, their cost and when they need to be undertaken.

A planned preventative maintenance (PPM) strategy means that maintenance tasks are scheduled ahead of time before those assets start to deteriorate. A PPM strategy means that budgets can be forecast and monitored more accurately. Early identification of maintenance issues can avoid unexpected costs and provide a strategy for maintenance whilst maintaining values. PPM surveys can be tailored to meet individual requirements.

What is a Planned Preventative Maintenance Survey?

Planned Preventative Maintenance surveys are regularly undertaken by the following:

• Private and Public sector freeholders to assess their maintenance liabilities to their assets or portfolios.
• Landlords to assess the works that may be required during each service charge year.
• Tenants to programme works to mitigate their potential dilapidations liabilities.

What are the benefits of undertaking a PPM survey?

The benefits are:

• Early identification of critical defects and maintenance requirements, to allow a strategy including budgets and programme to be considered.
• Potential cost savings by undertaking maintenance on a proactive rather than reactive basis.
• Provides a strategic view of your asset or portfolio to assist in future decision making regarding the asset
• Enable maintenance costs to be kept consistent over a period of time and to eliminate potential unexpected and unforeseen costs.
• Identification of statutory compliance works.
• To maintain the value of the asset.

A possible impact of the Covid -19 pandemic is the implication it could have on budgets, particularly the maintenance budgets where it may be considered that works could be deferred. Building maintenance will need to continue during this period and ensuring that the properties are properly maintained with a planned maintenance programme will avoid property owners/occupiers suffering unexpected and costly reactive repair works, at a time when budgets are tight.

To find out how Vickery Holman can help you with PPM, please contact Robert Allen.

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